A18 I made nice fashion clothes

A18 I made nice fashion clothes

SAKHI, Afghanistan, 25 Reporter: Karin Haidl

My family is Christian. It all started in 1999. One day in the morning seven Taliban soldiers, who were Muslims, came to our house and took my father away. I still don’t know where he is. He never came back home so I think they must have killed him. After this my older brother joined a military group (Hizb WAHJAT) to fight against the Taliban soldiers. I've never seen my brother again.

I had worked as a tailor before the Taliban came. I made very nice fashion clothes for women, but then I had to close my shop because the Taliban didn't allow the women to wear fashion clothes. They had to wear Burka and Tshador. I saw no future in my country and fled to Pakistan and worked for one and a half years for a Christian refugee organisation. I shared out little advertisement books of Fuji to people to get some money. But then some Moslems kicked me out of Pakistan because they had found out that I was Christian.

So I visited my mother in Afghanistan. After sixth month I left my country for Austria with a group of people.


Civil war
A19 Fathers house was burning