 | Comenius 1 project: How I experienced war |
Making interviews
Kids ask their grandparents, parents, other refugee-kids, about their experiences in a war, it doesn't necessarily have to be the 2nd world war, it could be any war (e.g. civil wars) or any warlike situations. As soon as the kids have found persons who are able and willing to cooperate, they could make an interview with a tape recorder or ask the people to write down a short report on ONE single situation they remember.
It can be any situation
It can be any situation (severe, funny, lucky, cruel) at any location (in an other country, in the home town, in the village, on a boat), at any age (child, grown-up), at any time (past, recent days), as a male or female, as a soldier or as a civilian. - It has turned out helpful to provide the kids with a short letter from their school to show the respondents what this questioning is all about.
Bring it into a readable report
Now that the kids have the report, they should bring it into a readable report (maximum 300 words) - with the help of their teachers of course. It is recommended to go back to the respondent with the final report and check if everything is reported the right way and/or clear misinterpretations. All the reports are translated into English and published at the common website of this project. They also include a black and white picture of each interviewer and their respondent, their first names, their ages, their home towns or villages, their nationality
The aim of the game
All the participants get all the collected stories from all the other participants so that they are able to translate all or some of them into their mother tongue and publish them in a booklet, which you could sell to your kids' parents, grandparents, relatives etc. The texts could be used in history or geography lessons, or as a reading material for your language classes. If there are e-mail addresses included, pupils could even get in contact with the reporters of a certain story.
Reports show the differrent points of view
The various reports shouldn't be interpreted, commentated or even corrected in the publication, even if they are obviously not true or offensive to other people, nationalities or races. It should be up to the reader to do this. Reports with similar content should be put vis-a-vis to show the differrent points of view. A short footnote on historical, cultural or any other background could be given, so that the stories can be understood in a better way. But basically the reports should speak for themselves.