A29 Russian soldiers in the hay

A29 Russian soldiers in the hay

Narrator: Leopoldine Kreutzer
Reporter: Markus Kreutzer.

One day two exhausted Russian soldiers came to my great-grandfather’s farmhouse. They asked him to hide them. As my great-grandfather was very kind-hearted, he hid them in the attic of the stable where he stored the hay.

But one day two German soldiers were standing in the courtyard. My great-grandfather nearly collapsed when he saw them. The Germans searched the whole farm, but they didn’t find anyone. At last they enterd the stable where the Russians were hidden. Luckily none of the soldiers went up to the attic.

After they had left the farm, my great-grandfather said to the Russian soldiers, “I’m very sorry, but I can’t hide you any longer.” Both of them left the farm immediately.

My great-grandfather was afraid that he and his family would be killed and all their possession would be burnt because of hiding Russian soldiers.


Difficult situation
A30 Hiding in the barn