P2 Long journey

P2 Long Journey

Narrator: Danuta Siergiejczyk
Reporter: Magdalena Jakubowska

I was a little girl when the Second World War broke out. I lived with my parents in the village called Jezioro.

One day my mother said to me, "Go to our neighbour and bring them this loaf of bread". The loaf was large so to make myself comfortable I took it on my back. I had to go for a long time because she lived quite far from our house. I was walking through the fields when I heard shots. I was terrified! A German soldier was shooting at me with a machine gun. He probably thought that it was a guerrilla with the bag. When he realized that I was a child he put his gun away. But when I came back home there were many German soldiers in our village. People were scared because they looked very dangerous holding their machine guns.

At home there was nobody except my grandmother. I and my grandmother started walking on foot to a place dozens of kilometres away. After a few days we tried to come back to our village walking the same distance on foot, but that way was horrifying because there were many dead bodies along the way.

My mother and brothers came back home after two weeks. The long time passed and my father came - it turned out that he was walking all the way to Russia.


I5 Purging
P4 Escaping death