A9 A terrible time

A9 A terrible time

Narrator: Heil Erna, 1928 Reporter: Erich Köck

At the end of World War II the English soldiers came to our home. Two hours later the Russian soldiers came, too. About 110 villagers - me too - were driven into a house, then they wanted to blast the house. A Russian helped us out of the house and took us into a glassworks. There he gave us some bread and water.

Three weeks later we were allowed to go home again. We didn’t have enough to eat and drink because the Russians had taken away all our food. They had also stolen our animals.

One day a Russian came to our house. He had knocked down his fellow soldier because he hadn’t allowed him to go home to his wife and his children. We hid him in the hay but the soldiers found him. After that we had to dig a hole. After they had fixed him on a tree they killed him. After that we had to throw him into the hole and then to dig his body in.

That was a terrible time for us.


A35 Horse robbery
I18 Embraced before dying