I7 The ten martyrs of Trevignano

I7 The ten martyrs of Trevignano

Narrator: Romilda Morellato Reporters: Silvia Pizzolato, Federica Gazzola

My name is Romilda and I’m 64 years old. It was the spring of 1945 and the German soldiers were everywhere. They burst into the houses of pour people who suffered from hunger.

One afternoon the Germans entered my house and they started to rummage about for something everywhere. My house was at Trevignano in Campagna street opposite Zapparè street, where the German soldiers were looking for some partisans because, from a window of one of the houses, someone had shot at a column of Germans that was passing through that street.

The old people cried that there weren't any partisans hidden in the houses but the Germans lined some people against the wall threatening them with their guns. Then they chose ten heads of families and they brought them to the stadium of Montebelluna and shot them without any reason.

The municipality supported these families and, in the ten victims’ memory, Zapparé street became “Via dei Dieci Martiri” (=Street of the Ten Martyrs), and a monument was built in Montebelluna.

I2 I was shocked
I9 A child