I2 I was shocked

I2 I was shocked

Narrator: Antonio Piva Reporter: Michele Fedato

My name is Antonio Piva. I was born in 1919. I spent seven years of my life in war.
During the Second World War I experienced a tragic event.

In 1941/42 I was a corporal of the Italian army of occupation in Yugoslavia (Infantry - Bergamo Division - gun section). I was fighting at Susak, thirty kilometres far from Fiume, a town near the Italian border.

My commander ordered me to point the cannon at one enemy camouflaged stationing. I had to obey so, following the commander's instructions, I fired a first shot but I missed the target. I fired again but also the second shot failed. The third shot hit the stationing and the commander ordered to go on bombing for seven more times.

I had to remain by my cannon and the riflemen went to see the place that had been bombarded. They reported that twenty-seven Yugoslavian soldiers had been killed. I was shocked. I was aware that I had to obey my commander's orders but I still feel sorrow and somehow responsible for what I had to do.


I18 Embraced before dying
I7 The ten martyrs of Trevignano