A31 A high ranking Russian officer

A31 A high ranking Russian officer

Narrator: Marianne Fraissl, Reporter: Sandra Strommer

It happened after the Second World War in the year 1945. It was a horrible time when the Russian soldiers came. They came with stolen horses and carts. They stole everything they could take.

Two of them showed up in our house, too. They stole our clothes and rummaged through our cupboards. We hid our valuables on the hayloft so that the soldiers could not steal them.

It was good luck that there was a high ranking Russian officer called Stefan on the estate in the village of Groß Taxen. He always rode to the people of the village on his white horse and abated his colleges to go on rummaging. He was a tall man with some medals on his uniform.
The people treated him respectfully.

I have never seen this man again after this horrible time.


A26 Russians in the village
A5 Soldiers in the village