A5 Soldiers in the village

A5 Soldiers in the village

Narrator: Mödlagl Karl, 1940 Reporter: Mödlagl Gabriele

I experienced only a part of the World War II and the time after it when the Russians came.
We had hidden many things and animals, because we thought they would steal them. We didn´t have much to eat and drink, but we could survive on our little farm.

One day when the Russian soldiers were in our village, I ran out with my older sister. Suddenly one stopped in front of me. He took me into his arms and I didn´t know what to do. So I started crying. The soldier was afraid and put me down again.

The Russians wanted to have some watches and some jewellery. They didn´t have much to eat, so my mother cooked some potatoes, which she threw out of the window. They ate the potatoes as if they were wild animals.

On Ascension Day 1945 the Russians broke into our house and told us to show them the way to the attic. From there they shot at our neighbour´s house.


A31 A high ranking Russian officer
A6 Occupation time