A6 Occupation time

A6 Occupation time

Narrator: Paula Jakubec, 1922 Reporter: Karin Dangl

During the War I worked as a secretary in the castle of Horn. When the Russians came we fled. I rode my bike to Gastern, where I met a friend. He told me to leave the bike in Gastern, because the Russians would take it away. So I went home to the “Alm” on foot.

On a little hill my girlfriends and I had built a small hut out of bushes and we hid there. One of my nephews brought us the meals. Early in the morning I returned to the hut and my daughter asked my mother, ”Where is Mum?” My mum answered,” She is gone.”

Our school in Kleinmotten had a little stable. There we hid. My girlfriend could speak Russian and one day she heard soldiers say “Good-bye” to the teacher.

My brother had died in Russia and we had a photo of him hanging in the house. A Russian soldier wanted to know who that man was and my mother told him al lie, “He was shot by the SS.” He was angry and went out.

One day the Russian soldiers left and we were happy to live in peace again.


A5 Soldiers in the village
A7 End of the war