P10 The first day of war in Puszczew

P10 The first day of war in Puszczew

Reporter: Konrad Kudła

My uncle’s father, who told me this story, worked for the railway company in Jaworzno near Krzepice. Three days before 1st of September - anticipating the war - the more important workers of the railway took the station’s technical systems and transported them to the old Rzeszowskie province. This was supposed to prevent Germans from using the railway.

My uncle told me that early in the morning of 1st of September one could hear the bombs exploding and that that was actually the bombing of Wieluń. A couple of Polish soldiers had mined the bridge on the way to Herby in order to make it impossible for the Germans to cross. As soon as they saw German soldiers in cars going to Puszczew they blew up the bridge and drove away.

During the war, German forces used to check men on the roads. Only on the first day they killed seven people including Mr. Piotr Deksymer - our neighbour’s grandfather.
The first day of war was really tragic and full of terror for Puszczew.

I4 Fighting
P8 The first days of World War II