2nd YEAR

TIMETABLE - Proposal

Each project partner should submit another set 6 to 15 stories to the coordinating school of Kautzen (The second year`s part). Deadline: 15th March 2004
Exchange of the new stories, translating them into English or the mother tongue.
Publishing all the stories in the internet. Deadline: 29th March 2004
Home page should be finished by Easter
April: Starting to edit the stories for our final product , a booklet about war stories. Gathering ideas what to write as an introduction, how to describe the project idea, finding historical and/or geographical background information to some (all?) stories, gathering definitions of terms of war like Nazi, hard labour, concentration camp, civil war, expulsion, hostages and the like. Finding methods how to use the booklet in teaching history, English mother tongue. Finding sponsors/partner for the production of the booklet. Exchanging the ideas by e-mail or by a chat over the internet in the evening (Werner`s proposal).
Project meeting: Either from 19 to 24 April or from 17 to 21 May 2004 in Węglowice, Poland: Exchanging ideas of the work done in April. Talking and finding solutions about the design and format, the structur and the contents of the booklet. Bilingual? Translations? How/Where to print? How to distribute/to sell. Finding a name for the booklet. Agreeing on all these topics and writing down the results of our discussions. Having a good time at Ola`s place and making lots of Polish friends.
Finishing the booklet by the end of the schoolyear